We had the incredible opportunity to interview Martha Stewart while she was in town for Alt Summit and what a powerhouse! We first listened to her Keynote address to a crowd of about 300 bloggers at Alt Summit and then went to a private meeting with her at Macy’s City Creek. We were able to sit down and chat with her for about 20 minutes. First lesson about Martha: she runs a tight ship. Her schedule is perfectly coordinated down to the second. Second, Martha has been in this business for a very long time and is the ultimate professional. When asked how she “does it all”, she said she wakes up two hours earlier than she wants to. She is not the type that lays back and watches her fortune roll in. The lifestyle brand icon made it very clear that she oversees every decision for her company and life.For example, after she met with us she instructed all the Macy’s employees on how she wanted them to sell her new home style products – she really is all about the details! It was fascinating to hear from such an iconic woman.
Q: Have you been to Utah before?
A: The first time I came I was celebrating my daughter’s birthday. We drove to Zion and climbed Angel’s Landing. I crawled the last few feet, she just walked to the edge. It was scary, the wind was blowing. {laughter}
Q: What inspired you to put the book together? (This is her 85th book published, she has 2 more coming out this fall!)
A: We have always been discovering wonderful recipes across the country since we started the magazine 20 years ago. We have really loved the kind of melting pot recipes you find in America. This was a good way to compile them into one place and tell the back stories, celebrate the ethnic groups that make this delicious food that we all eat. The recipes are really great.
Q: What is your favorite indulgence or splurge when eating?
A: It is more about variety for me than indulgence, I don’t like eating the same thing all the time. I grow a lot of stuff, all winter long. We’ve been growing all the salads, spinach parsley for my green drink every day. That is one thing I do drink every day except today. Tomatoes, root vegetables, I have a greenhouse that’s barely heated. I have my own chickens and my own eggs. I grow my own food. It’s not chocolate or peanut butter. {we gasped}
Q: While you were speaking at Alt Summit you mentioned that you work with your sister. Britt and I work together, tell us about that?
A: Yes, I work with one sister and one sister-in-law. It’s nice. My sister is a great writer and she knows my voice. It’s very good for her to write on my blog because it sounds like me. I don’t get a chance to edit everything she writes, but I trust her. Today’s blog is about a visit I made last weekend to this beautiful nursery in Portland, Oregon. I woke up at 4 o’clock and read it very quickly. She is very busy doing stuff and just emailed me and told me she finished doing my rose garden blog. She asked if she could have tomorrow off… I haven’t answered yet..I’m going to torture her a little bit. {giggling} My sister-in-law has a big job at the company she is the business manager for publishing and manages HR. And my niece Christina works for me too, she sells the digital advertising. I am trying to get her married to her cute boyfriend.
(Britt: Well, just tell her you will plan her wedding!)
I have! She knows she can get married at my house, but I don’t know my nephew already did that.
Q: What would you serve at a 4th of July party?
A: I love fried chicken. I’m not a big meat eater, but everyone else loves it, so maybe some nice steaks as well. We always have a lot of food, food is important in our family. Good food.
Q: What’s the best way to make your guests feel welcome?
A: Talk to them (laughter). Invite them into your kitchen and have them help you with your preparation.
Q: What comes to mind when you hear someone say “That’s so Martha”?
A: I laugh. It’s true it happens a lot. I think we really did make an impact on the way people think about entertaining at home, to keeping a home and decorating a home. To me that is very flattering. I try to help people understand that homemaking can be much nicer than once thought. Elevating homemaking to a higher level is nice, it shouldn’t be a drudgery it should be a pleasure.
Q: Martha it seems like you are in a new place everyday, how do you still find time do things you want? If you have a few hours of free time what would we find you doing?
A: I have redesigned a garden at my East Hampton house so I am very involved in that. Luckily you have email and photography to say yes or no to things. I go out there every spare moment. Sunday I got home at 5:08AM at Kennedy airport and we drove straight there to see the progress. It is important for the homemaker to make those decisions. You can leave a little up to other people but not a lot. I should’ve been a landscape architect, it’s one thing I love.
Q: There must be one thing that you really don’t want to do that you assign out?
A: I have housekeepers, I have to because I work so much. At my house in Bedford I live on a farm, I have a housekeeper that has worked with me for 27 years now. She was off for the last two weeks and I was left looking for this green silk dress I wanted to wear to a wedding. I never found it. I only wore it once and I don’t know where it is. I am sure it is under something but we looked everywhere. I don’t have time to vacuum. We have so many animals, we have to vacuum every day and I don’t have time for that.
Q: How do you think it’s best to entertain at parties with chidren?
A: I just finished my grand kids Chicka Boom Boom themed birthday party. It was very apropros and adorable. To pick a theme for a party is really nice. Next year my granddaughter requested a bagel themed party. (laughter)
Q: Is there a treat that they always request from their grandma?
A: Oh no, I am not allowed to make them anything that is a treat. I cannot give them jam or anything fun. Everything is healthy and vegetarian. (she told us earlier that her daughter is vegetarian)
By the end of the interview, we were all smiling and felt like we were truly friends. Martha even pulled out her ipad and showed us cute pictures of her grandkids at the Chicka Boom Boom party! Martha Stewart Collection merchandise is available at Macy’s and online. It is so cute and festive for the summer. Thanks to Martha for a fun afternoon!
I am a member of the Everywhere Society and Everywhere has provided me with compensation with this post for the Macy’s Martha Stewart event. However, as always, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.

Your interview with Martha was such fun to read! Sounds like it was worth missing your cousin’s wedding ceremony!