Being the good sister she is, Britt took a screenshot of the BIG FALL on her TV while watching the playback!
Reporter Brooke Graham Faints on Live Television During Report
Guys, I passed out during a live shot on the Saturday morning show. As in, went down HARD on live TV! Such a crazy experience. A lot of people have expressed concern and well wishes and I really appreciate it.
I would like to explain what happened…
and why you shouldn’t be too worried that I am pregnant, anorexic, diabetic, etc… at this point I have heard it all.
This is not the first time I have passed out cold.
I am known to faint any time I am in high altitudes and get too cold (so does my twin sister Britt) It started when we were in middle school and doing the Utah ski program. It is not a pleasant experience. You get sick to your stomach, body aches, and everything starts to spin, and then things go quiet.
On this particular morning…
I woke up feeling quite nauseous after staying out late the night before and waking up at 4:30 am to be ready for the show and to get up the canyon in time for my report. After about 10 minutes outside in the canyon I felt the familiar effects of altitude and cold begin… things started to spin, I felt unsteady, and everything was getting softer and softer. I tried to warn the producer back at the station that I was not well and would need to sit down and take a minute to recoup… however, she did not get my message and the cameramen pointed the camera in my direction with the red light ON. I knew I had to give it my best try even though I could feel my consciousness slipping away. You can see on the video what happens after that!
I plan to go get checked out by a doctor and get to the bottom of it. (Update: I did and here is the analysis)
I have been wanting to get a professional medical opinion on what is causing this to happen. It seems when I combine freezing temperatures and high altitude my body reacts in this way and reverts to fainting.
In the meantime, we can all laugh at the craziness of the situation!
I have laughed many times watching this video and I do not want anyone to feel bad if they find themselves chuckling as I go down like a tree in the forest! I feel like someone should dub Keisha “Timber” over it and play the fall in slow motion. (update: dozens of videos were made from this, including a special meme on your iPhone of me fainting if you ever need it! Didn’t think I would ever be one of those.)
I was surprised that…
Media outlets around the world began applauding my efforts for continuing the interview from the ground and shared very kind words with me. It is not every day that you see the anchors of the Today Show watching your report and giving you props for doing your best. I have since received thousands of emails and messages from people around the world.
Special thanks to…
My two sisters who immediately called my cell phone after watching the report live at their homes. My older sister, Heather, who sweetly told me it wasn’t too noticeable and things would blow over…Hahaha! And then Britt, who told me it was going to reach YouTube in a couple of hours and helped me laugh along with her as we prepared for dozens of international interviews over the next few days including the Today Show in NYC, the Today Show in Australia, BBC in England, and CNN morning show along with countless other phone interviews.
I also want to give a big shout out to
Richard, President of the Nordic Alliance, who was with me all morning. He handled the situation so gracefully and was so sweet and made sure I was okay. I could feel myself getting light headed and tried to warn the producer that I was sick but due to the bad service in the canyon they were not notified. After I went down I sat up and had no idea how long I had been out but saw the camera pointed at my face and decided to keep on talking! It has been a wild ride but I am so grateful for my health, kind people, and the ability to laugh at ourselves!
And last but not least, my husband!
At the time of the fainting incident, we had just begun our dating journey. When he heard what had happened he rushed over to my house with this balloon and I knew he was a good catch! He has been the most supportive and loving partner throughout my TV journey.

I think you did an amazing job and I totally understand not knowing how long you were passed out for. I passed out once while in Basic Training in South Carolina and when I ‘woke’ back up I could swear I was back here at home in Good Ole Utah with my parents. Sadly my Drill Sergeant told me that no it was just an unconscious dream and probably the best sleep I would get for a long while. He was right.
Honestly I can imagine that for most people we wouldn’t immediately jump right back to what we were doing before we passed out so I applaud you on your quick reaction and getting back into it.
Good luck and you did amazing!
That was amazing! But might want to check out what caused that just as a precaution…
She locked her knees. This happens at Marine Boot Camp when young recruits stand at attention and lock their knees.
You can even see in the video that her knees are locked as she falls over. Luckily she fell backwards in snow and not on a hard surface.
What a trooper!
what a pro!!! very impressive recovery, and I’m glad you’re okay!!!
Ouch! Agreed on great recovery. And yes, glad you`re okay. Hope all goes well at the doctor`s.
Great job, Brooke! I love that you’ve kept your sense of humor over it. Happy New Year! 🙂
Have you ever been tested for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome? Sounds like that’s why you’re passing out! It’s becoming more and more common! I’ve got it myself!
…such a great soul. And a consummate pro. You handled yourself with such grace, and able to chuckle at the situation. Keep smiling, and I Happy New Year!
I’m sure they didn’t teach that in journalism class. Kudos to you on the great recovery. Shame on your camera man for not coming to your aid, though.
P.S. You twins rock!
I’m not going to lie, I’ve watched the clip about half a dozen times, and it’s still funny. I have so much respect and admiration for the fact you kept going like nothing was wrong. Such a class act! Is it terrible that I just want to hug you? Absolutely adorable. I’m glad you’re okay, though!
My wife and I were so impressed with how you responded to the situation — and of course we laughed and laughed after we learned you were OK. (And then we watched it again and laughed again!) We’re so glad you’re OK. We’re also the parents of twin 2-year-olds, so we’re always interested in stories of twins. Keep up the great work and we hope you’re OK!
Brooke, amazing recovery! Evidence of a true professional. I understand you plan to see a doctor. I recommend you discuss the possibility of dysautonomia. Your episode reminded me of many that I have. Got to Dysautonomia SOS and read about dysautonomia and POTS.Good luck.
You’re a true professional,with the heart of a world class professional fighter. I thought they were the only ones allow to be unconscious for 8 seconds and still allowed to proceed if they regain consciousness….Wow! great job.
Very impressive Brooke! I may have to add your experience to my “News Writing and Production” curriculum… oh, and I made this for you. You’re welcome!
Wow, I cannot believe you carried on and saved the report. I am a fainter too and I did not find your experience funny, just scary. Hopefully it is nothing serious and it was mainly due to the altitude. Take care of yourself. I can tell you are committed to your work, but don’t sacrifice health for work.
I have never seen someone faint that quick, but Ma’am you are a true professional because you handle that so well.
I do not know how you knew what was going on.
Good job.
Hey took care of your wish, check out my vine search for #faintingreporter or #kutv2
Check into POTS Syndrome… often results in fainting.
Wow. That was scary and later funny. I have watched it a ton of times now just to look at different things like the young girl’s reaction. It was great the way he tried to help you. Very quick reaction. When you popped back up and carried on, I can’t believe that he had the composure to answer your questions. I’m sure you scared both of them to death. Hopefully it is not serious and is due to less oxygen in high altitudes. Maybe before you do a report in high altitudes you should breath a little from an air/O2 tank to give your body a little O2 boost just before you go live? You two are adorable twins!
You are the epitome of professionalism. This video revealed your complete focus on getting the job done, and that is admirable, but don’t let your desire to do your job impact your ability to be an advocate for your own health. No one else can or will be that, because no one has your complete knowledge.
BTW, as a journalist (both you and me) I think there may be a great story opportunity: Follow you and your twin sister through separate healthcare paths. This situation provides a unique opportunity to have two genetically identical patients move through a health care process.
Happy New Year, and all the best!
Sorry to see you faint like that! Glad to know that you are alright now. Hope you do get yourself checked properly by your medical doctor. Be well and have a healthy new year. Best regards from Malaysia.
As a nurse of 22 years I have found that many fainting spells are cardiac related; either too fast or too slow. You can ask your doctor if you can wear an event monitor for several weeks. Probably won’t catch an event in just 24 hours with a holter monitor. Go out in the cold and try to reproduce it. Besides that, teach people around you to take your pulse. If taken during the event, they may pick something up. By the way, love your spirit.
Glad you are okay, and I have to tell you that was handled with pure grace. You my dear are awesome! True reporter, get the story no matter what. I am amazed at how you came back and was on top of that interview:)
Excellent job, young lady!
As a 40 year veteran of both radio and TV news, I have done my share of TV Live shots. I was also knocked out, once, when I came off of one of my horses that we were training and struck my head on an exposed tree root. But I’ve never lost consciousness on the air (unless, of course, you talk with my producer, who often wondered if I was “all there” during most of my live shots – but that’s another matter).
Yep, you handled that like an absolute pro, Brook. And I remember, after being knocked out for about 20 seconds or so the time I came off the horse, that my friends there with me said I was talking as I came to like nothing had happened.
Weird, because it felt like I had been asleep for hours. In fact I felt pretty rested.
So, I know how you felt when you came to — and you saw the camera, knew you were still on and your mind just went right back into “live shot” mode.
Great job!
I’ve known reporters who NEVER fainted and STILL couldn’t get through a live shot — even if they’d had a ventriloquist reading their script off camera.
Keep up the good work.
I hope you share what you find. I have been passing out for the last 5 years or so and doctors can’t seem to figure out what’s causing it…Hope you have better luck than I.
Do you experience dizziness upon standing up and/or feel dizzy or pass out when you get too warm as well? If so, you may have a condition called dysautonomia, one of its many symptoms is being unable to regulate your body temperature well or at all. No harm in asking your doctor to check for it at least 🙂
i am workin this whole month whitout free days , so i understand ur situation. i have a trick (secret ) i have a lot of little food in my pocket , candys , chocolates, drink hidratantes like gatorade , nothing with taurine because it pusshes ur hard presuurre . at a lot of litle food especialy with sugar and u never will fill faint again . God bless girl.
You managed to pull that through! Well done Brooke! Have a blessed New Year!
It sounds like vasovagal syncope, explained here: http://www.vasovagal-syncope.com/
and it is related to POTS mentioned above.. Please get checked out, most likely NOT dangerous but you need to know what triggers the episode.. sounds like classic vasovagal syncope though. Good luck to you.. you are a trooper and a delightful broadcaster!
Hi Brooke,
I stumbled upon the clip about you passing out and I felt compelled to reach out to you and your sister. I am a 48 yr old executive, former triathlete, cheerleader, swimmer, etc. I began passing out cold in my teens and they finally figured it out 8 years ago after several mis diagnosis. I would like to save you from thousands of dollars in un necessary medical tests. Your heart may show healthy on scans and MRIs, but it is most likely either Bradycardia or Tachycardia. A pacemaker saved my life and not all healthcare xperts agreed with the bold cardiologist that saved me.
Mayo clinic diagnosed me with a neurological disorder, Doctors in St Louis diagnosed me with epilepsy. Many years of 911 calls and hundreds of thousands of dollars later, they were wrong.
Many young people cannot acclaimate to altitude changes, cannot catch their breath when climbing stairs, get light headed during strenuous exercise. Your heat isn’t pumping blood/oxygen to the brain in certain situations or activities and you will pass out and in some cases have small seizures due to the lack of oxygen to your brain. The high school football player that dies on the field, the runner that is in tip top shape, you name it. For me, I would pass out due to extreme blood pressure drops while standing up from a seated position, climbing steps, or racing.
I believe it is more commonly known now and they are starting to put pacemakers in very young kids that have theses symptoms. Get a heart rate monitor and document your blood pressure and heart rate in all types of activities. I bet you will find your answer!
I hope this helps you and your sister. Since my pacemaker surgery 8 years ago, I have not passed out once and feel more energetic. I can breathe.
Cheryl l. Stoddard
Brooke, well done on being such a media professional. I’m so impressed I’ve given you the accolade of “MediaMaster of the week” (it covers both genders, of course) in my weekly ezine and web radio show. Good luck with your future media career.
Well done! You’ve got moxie.
Okay, that WAS pretty funny…but MAD PROPS to you for the recovery! You just kept right on reporting! Way to go, Brooke.
You are indeed a trooper! While I’m not a doctor, it looked more like a cataplexy attack (sleep disorder – narcolepsy). Please get it checked out, don’t want to see you get hurt. Having narcolepsy myself, I’m familiar with symptoms.
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114985 889297Hi, Neat post. There
Hi I think you could possibly have POTS Syndrome, which is what I have , it happens when you stand still for too long or are in high altitudes , so I would actually bring this up to your doctor and have yourself tested for POTS
I’m not ѕure where you are getting your information, but good topic.
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I teach cross country skiing and one day one of my students did the same thing. He was just standing there talking to me, and collapsed to the ground, and before I could even tell him not to get up he was jumping up and saying I’m ok. Dehydration? Not used to altitude?
Very good information. Lucky me I recently found your website by accident (stumbleupon).
I have book marked it for later!
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When examining all twins, identical twins tended to be more likely to have both fainted, compared to non-identical twins, though the difference between the two groups did not reach statistical significance.
Can you please dub timber over that it would be hysterical
Great job, you handled that like a pro. My wife has been dealing with fainting spells periodically. It’s been chalked up to TIA (transient ischemic attack) but other than the fainting the ‘stroke-like symptoms’ have been absent. There is likely a genetic component in her case as her sister and a couple of aunts have the issue as well. Best of luck, look forward to seeing if your doctors have any better luck than hers did. She hasn’t had one in a while, so it has been on the back-burner for us. God bless you!