We had so much fun doing the braid segment today. Everything from french to fishtail suits our fancy. We have found the best way to get a great braid is practice, practice, practice! However, we still have a long way to go. Check out the segment we did this morning and let us know if you have any of your own braiding tips you want to share!
Archives for May 16, 2012
Braid It
You wake up late, haven’t washed your hair in two days and want a quick and easy hairstyle? Braid it. We love the versatility and style a braid can give to anyone’s hair. Our current favorites are the fishtail and waterfall braid, so below we have a little tutorial on how to do a side fishtail braid. This is a great one for first-time braiders because it is super easy!
You can watch today’s segment here!
Step 1: We started with dry, loosely curled hair. Can you see Britt’s new ombre?
Step 2: Spray the portion of hair you plan on braiding with water. It helps it stay in longer.
Step 3: Separate hair into two pieces.
Step 4: Pull a piece from the outside and cross over. Do the same on the other side.
(Continue with both sides of your hair)
Step 5: Pin It! Use a decorative clip or regular bobbie pin to secure the braid.
And… voila! The fishtail braid is back!
Happy Hairstyling!