- Rita’s: the most amazing Italian Ice + custard you will ever have. We went there 6 nights out of 7 (seriously!). It is that good. Lucky for Utah, they opened a Rita’s in Union Park just a few weeks ago. If you haven’t been yet, run now!!!
- Harbor Town: the most beautiful picturesque little seaside town. It has a lighthouse, great burgers, gorgeous yachts, jumping dolphins and a spectacular view.
- Intercoastal Canals: these are the magical Notebook canals. You can rent kayaks or canoes and float down the glassy water.
- Beaches: Go to any of them and you will get wide open spaces, warm water and smooth sand.
- Low Country Backyard Restaurant: Yummy, delicious southern food. Favorites include: baked mac & cheese, cornbread, breaded chicken, meatloaf and…. the banana pudding. Tastes like Magnolia’s.. so good!
Archives for August 2013
Sam and I were lucky enough to take a fun trip to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
I basically fell in love with the gorgeous, picturesque town.
Our favorite Hilton Head Places:
It’s a beautiful place and I can’t wait to go back!
– Britt
Twin Tested: How to Stay Cool
Other than hitting the pool we found some products that keepy you fresh under the sun.
Caudalie Grape Water:
Britt was tipped off about this by her mother-in-law.
Her trick is to keep it in the fridge and then applying a mist a few times throughout the day.
It is really refreshing and your makeup stays put.
Her trick is to keep it in the fridge and then applying a mist a few times throughout the day.
It is really refreshing and your makeup stays put.
Sold at Sephora, get it HERE.
If there is one product you get, have it be this lifesaver!
If you avoid light colored clothing due to sweating issues this is for you.
You apply the liquid at night and it stops all underarm sweat.
To get some go to your doctor and get a prescription.
Diptyque Solid Perfume:
This is the next big trend in the fragrance world.
Diptyque is the first major company to jump on the band wagon.
I personally think the little cases are functional and last longer than a stick of roll-on perfume.
Sold at Nordstrom.
Diptyque is the first major company to jump on the band wagon.
I personally think the little cases are functional and last longer than a stick of roll-on perfume.
Sold at Nordstrom.
Sweat Block:
These cool anti perspirant wipes were created by a professor at BYU.
They are incredibly simple to use, you just wipe them on your underams ONCE A WEEK and then you are sweat free.
Pretty neat.
They tingle and smell similar to Drysol, but do not require a prescription.
You can order a pack online.
1 pack is $15.99 (8 wipes)
Toilet Seat Cover:
We’ve told you about this deep, dark secret before…
Those thin paper toilet seat covers in public restrooms work WAY BETTER than the expensive blotting tissue you can buy.
Simply pat it against your oily face and you will be shocked at how well it takes off shine.
The best part… these are FREE!