Being on the red carpet is kind of like being in an alternate universe. We want to share a few things you probably didn’t know.
1. It’s an all day thing: we have to be on the red carpet by 11:30am and are standing on our interview platform from 11:30am-5:00pm. We’ve learned to bring mints, water bottles, and flats.
2. For every “star” there are at least 10 managers/publicists/agents/
3. Paris Hilton is a chain smoker. She comes to the Grammys every single year and we still aren’t sure why. Remember in 2013 when she asked me to fix her dress in the bathroom? Well, this year we were walking off the carpet right behind her and not even two seconds after we got outside she started smoking and complaining about how many people wanted to take a picture with her.
4. What’s up with everyone asking the same questions? The reason lots of reporters ask people what they are wearing and who they are excited to see is because they actually don’t know who they are interviewing or anything about them. Those are definitely the two most popular questions that we try to avoid.
5. Madonna looks scary in person and flashed everyone on the red carpet. As in lifted up her skirt to show off her black thong. Pretty sure shock will always be the name of her game. Miranda Lambert however, has flawless hair and makeup in person. It is super fascinating see celebrities up close. All of them have professional hair and makeup, so it’s interesting to see how it all compares. Sam Smith is much thinner in person than he looks in photos and videos. Like, a normal size 22-year-old guy.
6. The oldies get upset if you don’t recognize them immediately. Do not take this the wrong way, but there are a lot of old musicians at the Grammys. Sometimes it can be hard to keep track. We got most of them right this year, but when it took me longer than 5 seconds to recognize Tom Jones he gave me the side eye. On the other hand, one of the Bee Gees, Barry Gibb, was a sweetheart who seemed thrilled to be there.
7. No food or drink is allowed on the carpet, which means everyone is ravenous by the time they get inside! Thankfully, reporters are provided with a dinner in the media room backstage at the Staples Center.
8. They spend hours vacuuming the red carpet the day before. It is pretty crazy to see the work that goes into preparing the red carpet area. There are bleachers set up, red carpet rolled out, and chandeliers hung. One thing we loved seeing was how the E! News 360 Glam Cam was set up. There are about 50 cameras in a circle all taking photos of you at the same time and luckily the crew was nice enough to let us try it out.
9. The Grammys have a no excessive skin rule, which nobody really broke this year…except of course, Madonna!
10. It’s fun to see how tall all our fave performers are. Taylor is so tall! Josh Duhamel is a sweetheart, total babe, and is about as tall as both of our husbands (between 6’3″ & 6’4″). We asked him about his adorable little guy Axl and he says he is talking and can sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” now. He came without Fergie to present one of the awards. He said she was in the studio recording. We will be posting our full interview with him later this week. And yes, he totally qualifies for his #SexiestManAlive title!