What Happened When My Husband Dressed Me
Have you ever asked yourself the question, what would happen if I let my husband pick out my outfit? We loved the recent feature Summer Bellessa did titled, “My Toddler Dressed Me”, where she let her toddler pick out her clothes for a week. We decided to put a spin on it and see what would happen if we left the decision making to our husbands! They are always saying they could pick out great outfits for us, so we decided to put them to the test. The Outlets at Traverse Mountain were nice enough to give each of the boys $150 to spend at any store they wished. We knew we were in a safe place because the Outlets have our top 3 faves: J Crew, Loft, and H&M! Photographer extraordinaire Travis Richardson joined us for the adventure. It helps that our husbands both think he is awesome and that he makes them feel comfortable in front of the camera! If we are being honest, Britt thought she would end up in a button-down shirt and cardigan, while Brooke was pretty sure Parker would go for a full Nike sweatsuit look.
Luckily, their choices weren’t quite that extreme but we did learn a few things about our husbands:
They do not like pointy stilettos.
They prefer more casual looks.
Instead of the newest trends in denim, the boys love the classic colors and cuts.
They do not go for lace, embroidery, embellishments, or sparkle.
Sensible flats are the name of the game.
Overall, it was a really fun experience to see their perspective and learn what they prefer to see us in. Once we made it clear Victoria’s Secret was not an option the guys had a lot of fun. We didn’t correct any of their choices and truly just let them pick things they liked… it was kind of hard to hold our tongues! (Like when I was trying on furry scarves and leather pants). However, we think this definitely calls for a Part 2… “This is what happened when my wife dressed me.”… to be continued!
Here are our BEFORE looks. Typical work outfits for both of us: Brooke in a dress and me in patterned pants, fitted jacket, and heels.
Nothing more confusing than trying to find a pair of cute women’s shoes! I saw this look on his face quite a bit during our shopping adventure…
Parker went straight for the flats, no high heels in sight.
This is my face thinking about the last time I wore faux leather pants in 7th grade. One word comes to mind: sticky
Cute on him maybe? In a snowstorm? Maybe just Antarctica?
This is me realizing these leather pants would actually be perfect for a Sandy from Grease Halloween costume.
Another moment of enlightenment, Parker loves Duchess Kate Middleton’s style, striped tee-shirts, Keds and fitted trench coats! His taste could be much worse so I didn’t mind!
This is a capture of Parker looking on Pinterest for some last minute fashion inspiration… jk he was checking ESPN.
Our outfit details: Brooke is wearing a striped shirt from J Crew, her new favorite dark wash jeans from Loft, a trench coat from H&M and shoes from H&M. Britt is wearing a floral top from J Crew, jeans from H&M and silver flats from H&M.
Huge thanks to the Outlets at Traverse Mountain for letting us do this experiment on their turf! If you want to do the same thing with your husband, post using the hashtag #MyHusbandDressedMe so we can feature some of our favorites!