We were so thrilled to be invited to host a round table discussion at Alt Summit. If you don’t know about Alt, it is a 4 day conference, held in Salt Lake City, where creatives from around the world come together to learn. {As well as party hard together in some of the most insanely gorgeous set ups you have ever seen.} Britt and I spoke on creating a relationship with the media and how to make the most of your opportunities. We were overwhelmed by the caliber of women that were asking US for help! It was intimidating but so gratifying. Women working together to help one another achieve goals feels so good. As we met with attendees we found some new gals that made us wish everyday was ALT Summit. They are inspiring, funny, creative, and well just nice.
#1 Rachel Ryle: She was named the top Instagrammer to follow by Buzzfeed. She is a creative genius and her stop motion videos are just so dang CUTE! She was one of the Keynote speakers and was able to share her story of success. Come to find out she is a wonderful person who has stayed incredibly humble despite her catapult to success. Thanks to her popularity she is moving to New York City and opening her own studio! We loved interviewing her.
#2 Danielle Kryssa: Homegirl is the best. She has worked with Oprah among other big names, yet she still had time to chat with us. She lives in a picturesque town in Canada where she runs the website The Jealous Curator. She is an art expert and curates her favorite contemporary art and then shares it with the world. {Little does she know that we are planning a trip to stay with her ASAP…jk, but not really.} Up next she is releasing her second book. We miss you already Danielle!
#3 Reachel Bagley: Rachel is a Phoenix fashion stylist. She is as sweet as pie and so fun to chat with. If you have a fashion question – she’s your girl! She has helped thousands of women across America find their sense of style. It was fun to have Rachel do the color test on us, we’re hoping she returns to Utah soon!
#4 Nancy Soriano: (the one is glasses below) Nancy is author of “The Jewelry Recipe Book“. She is a true New Yorker and is incredibly refined. We were lucky enough to be at the same dinner as her and delighted to hear about her life in the city. Her book is full of SO many fun projects. We will just be making our own necklaces for the next 24 hours nbd.
#5 Gabrielle Blair: (bleach blonde next to Brooke) Gabrielle is known in the blogging and writing world as Design Mom, she is also the brains and beauty behind ALT Summit. She has created something truly amazing, it’s in it’s 11th year! She recently came out with her own book called “Design Mom”. We got a copy and spent every spare minute reading it. The book is full of fun tips and tricks and appeals to pretty much every person on the planet. It’s fun to read about Gabrielle’s life in the Bay area. We want to send out a special thank you to Gabrielle for inviting us to be speakers. We had the best time!
Below we have posted a few more fun moments from the summit! xo