Every summer I like to jot down a couple ideas for a summer bucketlist. That way, whenever we don’t have plans, I have a list of fun ideas. Well, with two 9-month-old babies in tow, this year’s bucketlist looks a little different. When we were asked if we wanted to bring Hazel and Lila to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium, we said of course! We have both visited before – Brooke even swam with sharks there once!!
We were amazed at just how much there is to see. You can easily spend an entire day there, which is perfect since summer temps are already above 90 degrees! It’s so much more than an aquarium. There are the cutest sloths, otters, clouded leopards and so many more unique animals you would not expect to see in an aquarium.
The babies loved it. It was so cute to see them in front of the fish tanks, they were mesmerized. The cool thing about the aquarium is that it’s just as fun for adults as it is for the kids. I pet a manta ray while we were there! I had no clue that it would be so slimy. It was fascinating. You can also touch tiny sharks and starfish.
We were both given season passes, which is awesome! I’m sure your kids are perfect, but our babies have a 3 hour maximum for any activity before they need naps. Which makes getting a pass so nice because you don’t feel like you only have one shot to see the entire aquarium. Instead, we plan on going back once a week for a fun little field trip to see something different every time we are there. We brought our mom and had a blast! Thank heavens for grandmas. Our babies absolutely love her, so we all had such a great time. Talking with our mama friends, they all say the aquarium pass is worth it simply for their amazing playground. Hazel and Lila are still too little for that, but it just goes to prove there is so much to see and do at the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium!
Aquarium Memberships are the best way to save. You only have to visit two to three times a year in order for it to pay for itself (but can visit as many times as you want during the year). On your first visit, you can put the value of your tickets toward the price of a membership if you choose to. There are several levels of memberships, including Individual, Family (two adults and four children *additional children can be added), Family Plus (two adults, four children, and two guests each visit) and Grandparent Memberships. You can get more information on memberships here.
They also have huge, nice areas available for parties, which would be so much fun. We are so excited for our summer of fun at the aquarium!