When the month of January comes around the word blah comes to mind. The holidays are over, you are supposed to be going gangbusters on resolutions, and it is so cold outside that you begin to feel like a sad, vitamin D deprived hermit.
So this year, we are trying something new! This is where the GET READY CHALLENGE comes in! It’s free, does not include dieting, and you already have all the supplies you need! After seeing Brooke White’s “Get Dressed” challenge a few months ago we decided we wanted to make that the theme on the blog for January! Scientific research has proven that getting ready actually makes you more productive, so, we are putting it to the test for the next 31 days!
There’s a great article in Inc. magazine about this topic. Research shows that the clothes you wear actually change the way you perform. Here’s my favorite takeaway quote, “Taking intentional command of how you dress and present is a good step in empowering yourself, accomplishing your goals, and living a more lucid life at the helm of your decisions.”
We want you to join us, post pictures, and use #GetReadyChallenge so that we can support each other along the way! The Get Ready Challenge does not mean putting on a full face of makeup every single day or dressing up in a ball gown. These are a few ideas:
- Take 5-minutes a day to make yourself feel special: this could be trying out a new lipstick color just because, or taking extra time in the shower for a deep conditioning mask.
- Put on an outfit that you haven’t worn in a while. Start using the clothes that are already in your closet!
- Consciously show love to yourself. Shut down your negative thoughts and instead think of ways you can have fun with the challenge throughout the month.
Join us on Instagram where we will be showing daily updates on the challenge using #getreadychallenge! We will meet back here in 30 days for a recap and to see if it really changed the way we felt during the day and made us feel more confident.
Here’s to a fabulous 2019!