It is time to announce the #MoveForMarch Challenge! We have loved doing monthly challenges in 2019. They motivate us to try something new for around 30ish days and see if it sticks! In January we did the #GetReadyChallenge where we got ready every day of the month – even Saturday! Why? Because studies show that you are more productive throughout the day if you just get ready or presentable. We found this to be quite true. Once you got getting ready out of the way you are ready to move onto bigger and better things throughout your day. In February we did the #MakeYourBedChallenge. There are books written about the daily practice of making your bed. We knew we wanted to incorporate this habit into our daily routine so we gave it a go. We loved the result of a clean and tidy bedroom! We also loved seeing so many of you tag us in your #MakeYourBedChallenge pictures!
For March we wanted to yet again do something that would be stimulating and motivating and we decided it was to MOVE our bodies! We both exercise regularly, but this month we plan to try new workouts, do new activities with our toddlers, and hopefully get active outside in the Spring weather.
So what classifies “move”? That is up to you. If you decide to do 100 squats in your kitchen while making dinner that is awesome! If you decide to take the stairs at work every day instead of the elevator that is great too!
We are looking forward to hearing everyone’s ideas and sharing them in the Twin Tested community.
Thank you for participating in our challenges so far this year. It is so fun to do something as a collective group and see great results!
You can expect to see some killer workout gear deals, our favorite fitness gurus, and some tips for finding motivation throughout the month of March.
Here we go!