This month we have learned so much about Utah’s air quality and how we are personally responsible for it. The choices each of us make every day affect how clean our air is.
Every year, UCAIR puts on the Clear the Air Challenge during the month of February. It’s a competition among individuals and companies to see who can make the biggest impact in clearing Utah’s air. The best part – it is FREE to enter!

Create a Team or Join Ours
Head up a team with friends or get your company to take the Clear the Air Challenge. They even have a startup toolkit with resources to help you spread the word. We would love to have you join our team! You can find us on the list under Twin Tested. Go here to sign up.
Be Part of the Solution
The solution to poor air quality starts with each of us. By driving less, we can help reduce vehicle emissions. All it takes is a little planning and intention to see big changes. Try walking, jogging, cycling, taking mass transit, carpooling or teleworking instead of driving alone. Making simple changes in your behavior can dramatically affect our air quality.
Drive Smart
Driving smart means consolidating errands into one trip (trip chaining), keeping up on vehicle maintenance (alignment, brakes, et), driving the speed limit, not driving during peak commute hours and being idle free.

You Can Make a Difference
Each of us can play a part in doing something positive for the environment. It’s time to stop looking to others to be responsible for changing our air quality, and for each of us to do our part.
Poor Air Quality is Dangerous to Everyone
No one likes to breathe in dirty air, but it is especially dangerous for children, people with heart disease, people with respiratory problems, people at risk for stroke, and elderly people. We want our girls to grow up being able to play outside year-round without worrying about the bad air quality.

Utah is a Wonderful Place to Live
We are lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. The current air forecast, available at www.airquality.utah.gov tells you whether or not it’s safe to go for a walk or play outside with children. In order to keep the quality of life where we want it to be, we are committed to continuing the habits we have learned this month to improve Utah’s air.
Huge thanks to UCAIR for educating us on this important issue. Go to their website to learn more.