Have you ever had that moment where your stroller gets jammed and won’t collapse and you have to shove the entire thing into the back of your SUV? No? Just me? Okay cool.

Looking for the right stroller
Now that we have two kids you would think that we would be better at everything in the baby gear world. However, strollers were one of the things that we just kind of accepted whatever came our way.
A hand-me-down jogging stroller from siblings, an upright stroller from grandma, a cheap stroller that comes with the carseat. Our collection was doing the job until a few things happened.

Mistakes happen…
One of us ended up running over the upright stroller while backing out of the garage… whoops. The running stroller has a flat tire and the brake doesn’t work. And the car seat stroller was perpetually jammed and was regularly getting shoved fully upright into the back of the car. Just imagine doing that in every parking garage ever, not embarrassing at all haha.
Finding a brand you trust
I knew it was time to really look at the options and find a quality stroller that we loved. I was familiar with the Colugo brand after ordering their baby carrier for Win. Colugo was started by a (soon-to-be) mom of 4 in NYC after she couldn’t find quality products for her babies that held up over time. They have since expanded into Target and have THE cutest colors and prints.
I ordered my Colugo baby carrier and was blown away by the pretty design and thoughtful design elements. The latches are all magnetic – genius! The carrier fits 7 lbs – 30 lbs without any extra inserts. The entire thing is lined with breathable mesh for those (always) sweaty summer outings. And the cherry on top – it comes with a detachable fanny pack! Hello, best idea ever.
After using the carrier I realized that the Colugo team had also dreamed up a complete stroller system that takes you from infant bassinet to full blown toddlerhood. Not to mention the colors and design were super dreamy.

The stroller we decided on
I have the complete stroller system in “Olive” and now I realize what we have been missing out on! This stroller has an incredibly smooth ride, a huge storage compartment (I like to use my stroller when I grocery shop), and has a rain/snow cover for our freezing winter weather here in Utah.
To say we love it is an understatement. Both Parker and I feel very pretty swanky having a stroller that offers such a smooth ride (and hasn’t been run over haha). The stroller folds down in less than 5 seconds. It is super easy to store. I honestly couldn’t love it more. The 5-point harness in the stroller is magnetic which makes getting in and out so much easier!
Where we use our stroller
If you are looking for a new stroller, I highly recommend Colugo. A few of my favorite ways to use the stroller:
- Grocery shopping: It is so much easier to zoom in with my stroller and grab my favorite Trader Joe’s items without worrying about the car seat being safe – and taking up all the real estate in the cart.
- Neighborhood walks: When it is nap time for Win it is so nice to have the bassinet option where he can lay flat and comfortably take a nap!
- Travel: We have an upcoming trip booked to Mexico and I am so excited to take this stroller!
Areas you can save for your baby while on a budget
Right now it is priced right around $400 at Target which is unheard of! Over the years I have realized a stroller is not the place you want to cut the budget on. Along those same lines here are some places where we realized we could cut back with our second baby.
- Newborn clothes. Crowdfund these! I have an angel best friend in my life that dropped off a bag of THEE cutest newborn clothes that her baby had just grown out of. The knit knotted gowns and caps were so cute and helpful. Before Win, I had been thinking that we had plenty of hand-me-down newborn baby clothes from Lila. Well, once he was here, I realized I had given a bunch of them away and the remainder of our supply was all bright pink!
- Share baby gadgets and toys. Another friend dropped off her MamaRoo baby swing. Lila did not love her baby swing so I did not buy one for Win. Lucky for me this friend dropped it off and Win ended up loving to take naps in it. It was such a lifesaver to have a safe place to put him down that was in our main living area.
- Baby swaddles: Another friend dropped off her collection of baby swaddles so I could try them all out and see which one worked best. This was so helpful! I was able to try 5 different swaddles multiple times to find out what my baby liked best. (Turns out the Zippedee Zip star suit is the favorite around here. It makes him look like a baby turtle and I absolutely love it!)
Introducing Britt’s new little one!
If you are in the midst of newborn life. Remember one thing: YOU ARE DOING GREAT! I say this as encouragement for myself just as much as encouragement for you 🙂 We are still dealing with wake-ups at all hours of the night. Good thing these babies are so dang cute!! It is overwhelming at times but things will fall into a new rhythm. Love to all of the mamas, soon-to-be-mamas, and hopeful mother’s-to-be.

Britt delivered her baby boy and I was able to meet him! They are both happy and healthy which is such a blessing. You forget how tiny and precious newborn babies are. Win looks like a giant next to him!

Britt dealt with a difficult pregnancy so I am so grateful she is doing well with her sweet baby boy. The fact that we by chance had girls first and now have these sweet baby boys is so fun. I am so excited to watch these boys grow up together. We are so lucky to have each other! I am sure she will share more about her new little addition to the family once the newborn fog begins to clear. It seems like a lifetime ago that she introduced Hazel.
I hope you are all doing well during these wild times. I am feeling a renewed sense of energy and purpose this Spring and I am so grateful.