You wake up late, haven’t washed your hair in two days and want a quick and easy hairstyle? Braid it. We love the versatility and style a braid can give to anyone’s hair. Our current favorites are the fishtail and waterfall braid, so below we have a little tutorial on how to do a side fishtail braid. This is a great one for first-time braiders because it is super easy!
You can watch today’s segment here!
Step 1: We started with dry, loosely curled hair. Can you see Britt’s new ombre?
Step 2: Spray the portion of hair you plan on braiding with water. It helps it stay in longer.
Step 3: Separate hair into two pieces.
Step 4: Pull a piece from the outside and cross over. Do the same on the other side.
(Continue with both sides of your hair)
Step 5: Pin It! Use a decorative clip or regular bobbie pin to secure the braid.
And… voila! The fishtail braid is back!
Happy Hairstyling!

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