Just for the fun of it, we are posting a little bit about what our babies are like right now so that we never forget.
Hazel is:
- Walking everywhere (like so fast I can barely catch her!)
- Saying a couple of words “hello”, “Lila” and “Dada”
- Has four teeth, two on the bottom and two on top that just came in
- Loves food! Oddly enough I think her favorite thing to eat is chicken
- Loves to play with the hose and in water of any kind
- Loves to give real kisses and blow kisses
- Not the best sleeper – still wakes up a lot in the night
- Knows how to wave and sign “more” and “all done”
- So determined!
- Hilarious and makes us laugh about a million times a day
- Snuggly – she still loves to cuddle and it’s the best thing in the world
Lila is:
- the happiest baby on the block
- life of the party – loves being around people
- almost walking, but is a very sassy crawler
- says lots of words like “bubbles”, “Hi”, “Buh-bye”, Dada, Mama, Woof Woof and more
- loves to eat
- So sweet and happy
- Has 6 teeth – 4 on top, 2 on bottom
- Constantly giggling and making everyone around her smile

They are truly the cutest things on the planet and they make me so happy! I love them and you. You’re both great moms.
So cute! I have twins as well and mine are not walking yet. They will turn at the end of the month. Any tips of how to get them to start walking and mone do not say any words inhave been dying to hear mama..lol
BTW cute outfits. Like to share where you shop for your twins?.