What is the Osher program?
Hundreds of classes taught by emeritus faculty with the opportunity to learn and engage with fellow members of your community sounds pretty great, right? Well, the OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute is part of the University of Utah’s Continuing Education and offers all of that and more. And guess what the best part is? All it takes is a signup form and $50!
Lifelong Learning has many different facets
During the month of August, our monthly challenge is #LifelongLearning in partnership with the University of Utah’s Continuing Education program. Studies have shown time and again how important it is to keep learning throughout our lives – whether you are 25 or 105!
If you are “50 or better”
The OSHER program at the University of Utah states, “The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Utah offers a rich and evolving array of courses, lectures, and special activities, taught by distinguished emeritus faculty, scholars, and community experts. Members from all walks of life bring a lifetime of experience to the classroom and our activities. If you’re age 50 or better, come and join us!”
Have you ever been referred to as age 50 or better? We think that is a pretty great way of looking at life!
We are signing our parents up for the Osher program!
It is obvious that we are not yet 50-years-old and cannot participate in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. However, our parents sure can! It was our goal this month to get them signed up as Osher members and to help them to find a class they would like to take.
Being an Osher member is fun and affordable
The Osher Institute makes learning incredibly affordable, fun, and easy. Professors at the Institute always mention how much they enjoy their time with their more seasoned students.
Here is a peek at some of the upcoming classes:
A few things that separate the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is its event schedule.
Special Events

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