Newborn photos are here! Baby Winston had a safe arrival and we could not be happier! Yes, we have had sleepless nights, mastitis, and lots of spit up but the newborn snuggles and sweetness completely make up for it. There is just nothing more precious than a baby fresh from heaven.

This time around, I am so happy to say, my epidural worked and the labor and delivery was such a happy experience! It has also made the recovery process smoother and easier. These metal nipple cups have helped tremendously and I highly recommend them to anyone that is pregnant right now. I have also given myself more grace with this baby and just tried to enjoy the slower pace that comes with a new baby.

This entire experience was different due to the global pandemic. No visitors are allowed at the hospital so Lila did not meet her baby brother until we brought him home. In hindsight, I think this was actually a blessing because she was able to meet him in a familiar, comfortable place.

By the second day at the hospital, we definitely missed having visitors (and the delicious food they bring). This time, immediately after my delivery, I was offered 2 Saltines and a cup of juice. Major letdown! I was ready for a huge, juicy burger, fries, and a shake after not being able to eat for 18 hours!

Getting the baby home was also quite an adventure. We found our air conditioning system was broken and it was a hot 100 degree day. Thanks to some friends with portable AC units and quick working family members we were able to get our house cooled down to a livable temperature while we got a completely new air conditioning system installed throughout our house. I am so happy to say that it has been working without any problems since then!

For Win’s newborn photos I reached out to my incredibly talented friend and photographer Tori Hillyard. She has a great eye for detail and I knew she would be able to photograph my family in a beautiful way. I also felt more comfortable having a friend in my home that I trust during this time when the virus is running rampant.

Before the day of the photoshoot, Tori sent me a few tips that would make the shoot go smoother. Along with her suggestions, I remembered a few things from Lila’s newborn shoot that made photos with a baby easier that I want to share in hopes that they can help you too!
- THERMOSTAT: Turn up the thermostat. Tori sent me a reminder text on the morning of the photoshoot to do this. We knew we wanted some cute shots of the baby wrapped in his diaper wrapped in a blanket and didn’t want to freeze him out while taking them. This worked great and made Win so comfortable that he fell asleep for his “glamour shots”!
- EAT: Feed your baby and you right before the photoshoot as well as any older siblings. A full belly is a happy belly. I was able to feed the baby right before Tori arrived at my house. When Win got a little fussy during the photos she was nice enough to let me feed him again. A full, sleepy baby is much better for photos than a hungry one! It made a huge difference!
- BATH: Try to bathe your baby right before the photographer arrives. I did this because Win completely covered himself in pee right as Tori pulled up – of course! However, I was able to give him a quick rinse and it got his dark hair nice and fluffy right before pictures started.
- LAYOUT OUTFITS: Choose all the outfits, blankets, and props before the photoshoot. Make sure that everything you are going to use is freshly laundered the night before. This will help the flow of the photoshoot.
- TREATS AND SHOWS: Bribe older siblings! Yes, we did in fact bribe Lila with a donut and a Disney movie. What can I say? We wanted some good shots! It worked for the most part and we got the majority of her photos done at the beginning of the photoshoot so that she could watch her movie quietly as we got the other shots we wanted.
- DAYTIME: Use natural light. I love the look of light and airy photos, especially when it comes to newborns. Tori captured this perfectly by coming to take the photos in the afternoon when the light was the brightest.
- SOLO SHOTS: My favorite pictures always tend to be the ones where Parker is one-on-one with the baby. They are so precious and capture how proud he is to be their dad. I highly recommend both mom and dad getting solo shots with the new little one.
- POSES: The options are truly endless for newborn poses. Tori was great and guided us through a lot of different poses that I had never done before. Ask your photographer for advice and they will be sure to have some great ideas.

Newborn photo sessions are one of those things that you will never regret doing. The newborn stage is so fleeting that it is so special to capture these little babies when they are so fresh and sweet.

I know that I will treasure these photos forever. I am already wondering how many prints I can get away with hanging throughout our house because I love them all so much! If any of you mamas are expecting, start planning your newborn photo session with your little one now so that it is not a stressful situation when it comes around. It is a great thing to look forward to with your family and I promise you won’t regret getting them done.
OUTFITS: One of my good friends gave me Win’s gray outfit before he was born and I love it. Highly recommend it, it is from Lou Lou & Company. The knotted gowns are a game-changer for quick diaper changes! Lila’s dress is from H&M’s Spring line.

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