While having babies is definitely the most joyful thing we’ve ever experienced, it also throws your body for a loop. Learning to love and appreciate the postpartum body has been a challenge. Both Brooke and I work hard to stay healthy, exercise 5-6 times a week and live a good lifestyle. Even with all of that, some things are just never going to be the same. Facing that and learning to be proud of our bodies for what they accomplished and what they do for us each day has been really life-changing. Our cute swimsuit designer/mogul and friend Kortni Jeane asked us to be part of her #TheKJWomanIsGood campaign to talk about what makes us feel good. We are so honored to be part of something that promotes body positivity no matter your size or stage of life. Although we were hesitant to model swimsuits, it turned out to be a great experience. You can learn more about the campaign here.
Here is the fun video they put together:

That was a GREAT post on feeling good about yourself, but who was that old lady you were doing makeup on? Ugh. I mean, I’m happy with how I look, right? 😉 Good job you two.