Labor Day 2017 I was floating in the lukewarm water of the neighb0rhood pool, finally letting my joints feel relief from my large belly that was due with a baby girl that very day. Little did I know, later that night I would be having our baby girl. After returning home from the pool I realized the slight trickle of water down my leg was not from the pool water in my swimsuit and that my water had broken. At that very moment, I remember getting into the shower and tears streaming down my face because of the unknown that lay ahead. Giving birth for the first time is a life-changing, gigantic experience. But the fact that I got a little brunette with sparkling eyes that crinkle when she smiles makes every discomfort and pain worth it.
Now that Lila is a true one-year-old I wanted to share a few of her favorite things and what has helped me the most this year. (Besides grandmas and a twin sister going through the exact same thing at the same time!)
- Wubbanub: If your baby takes a binky, these are hands down the best! Lila loves the elephant that is attached to hers and it is pretty much the cutest thing ever to watch her fall asleep stroking the ears with her tiny fingers. (Now I am starting to face the fact that she cannot have a binky forever and need a game plan for getting rid of it…)
- A set of her own keys: My mother-in-law is a genius and got together all of her old keys and keychains, sanitized them, and then gave them to Lila. This way she has her own set of “real” keys to hold while I do everyday tasks like locking the door, starting the car, etc. without a fight.
- Minky Couture blankets: They are super cozy and soft, but most importantly MACHINE WASHABLE! There is nothing sweeter than a babe fresh from the bath cozied up in her Minky. (I might just have a giveaway coming up on Instagram this week so pay close attention!)
- A gym pass: Britt and I do a gym swap at Xcel Fitness each morning where we take turns with the girls to attend a workout class. Whether it is High Fitness or Reformer Pilates it has been a lifesaver to feel that part of my pre-mom self. I am happier because I get that moment to myself each day and I feel zero guilt about it because Lila is playing with her cousin. Plus, who says the gym isn’t a social event?! I have made some great friends there!
- Fun clothes, okay these are not necessary but dressing a baby girl is FUN! I can’t get over these striped jumpsuits, and you shouldn’t either because they are $6.00!

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