We are excited to announce our monthly challenge for February… drumroll please… #DriveSafer in partnership with Les Schwab! Cars and getting maintenance done is one thing in life that EVERYONE has to deal with. However, it is really easy to put off things and procrastinate on your car to-do list. This month we are buckling down to get our cars in tip-top shape and to learn the ropes of important car lessons like:
- What to do if you get a flat tire and who to call
- How to know if the alignment of your car is off
- Where to go (with kids in tow while staying sane) to get your car ready for a road trip
- When to get your brakes checked
- How to avoid extra costs when it comes to keeping your car safe

The bottom line is we want to be educated on our cars and how they work. We picked Les Schwab to partner with because we have gone to them for years and love their customer service and quality care. (Not to mention the free popcorn in the waiting room!)

We have both had experiences driving our cars over the years that have made us want to buckle down and really learn about what is important.
For example, a year after I graduated from college I was driving on the freeway on a snowy night. At this point in time, I did not realize the importance of snow tires and that you should have your tires regularly checked.
I was driving a small, compact car, with nearly bald tires. Due to the snow and ice on the freeway, my car began to spin in the middle of all four lanes of traffic and finally came to a stop with all the cars coming straight at me.
By some miracle, I happened to be right next to an exit and was able to quickly drive over to the exit and off the freeway to calm my nerves and make a game plan for the drive home.

Now that I have a child, safety is my number one priority when we get into the car. I have loved the crossover that we have had for the last couple of years and I love my snow tires even more! There is no slipping whatsoever no matter what the weather is outside.
This month we are going to get educated together! We will be doing a series of 4 short videos where we will be taught simple – yet very important – car lessons.

First up, we will learn what to do when you think you have a flat tire. From getting it patched (for FREE) to putting on a spare tire, we will cover it all. You never know when you will be up in the mountains with no reception or exploring some of Utah’s beautiful wilderness and get a flat. Changing a flat has been something Britt and I have wanted to learn how to do for a while now so we are finally going to do it!

The people at Les Schwab are kind and considerate when it comes to taking care of their customers. We look forward to working with them this month so get a little smarter and more educated when it comes to our cars!

Join us in the challenge this month by using the hashtag #DriveSafer and let us know what you are doing to keep you and your family safe on the road. #LesSchwabPartner

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