We found the perfect summer swimsuits!!!
This was not an easy task because we are ridiculously picky about our swimwear.
Britt found her suit in Albion at City Creek. We have mentioned Albion before, they have some really cute options and you can even design your own suit! If some of the their styles look familiar it’s probably because they make swimsuits for Shabby Apple, which we all love.
Brittany’s suit is $118 and was so kindly given to her by the owner as a wedding gift 🙂
I found mine on the European shopping site ASOS. Believe me I could not believe it when a swimsuit I ordered online ended up fitting me perfectly!
It was a steal at $65 – plus free shipping!
Britt and I are both loving the sash look this year!
Good luck with your swimwear shopping. Let us know if you have any secret spots you love to shop at!
Good luck with your swimwear shopping. Let us know if you have any secret spots you love to shop at!

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