We all see wacky stuff online or on infomercials that looks like a lot of fun, but you can never be sure it’s worth spending actual money on. Now that Skymall is going away (RIP), we decided to show you some of the weird products and technology we have tried lately! Have you ever woke up on a plane and realized your head was on the strange guy sitting next to you? Oh, just us, ok 🙂 Please scroll down to an amazing way to stop that from every happening again…
NAP ANYWHERE: It’s an alternative to the neck pillow for travel. We tend to be a head bobbers, so this is great for us. It does take a little direction following to set up, but was really comfortable. Our favorite part is that one side is meant to keep your face warm, while the other side feels like a cool pillow. You can find more information at www.napanywhere.net $59
TILE APP: Now you can keep track of all of your stuff easily! We lose our keys, phone, or ipod at least once a week. This is an easy way to solve that problem. You easily adhere a small white tile that syncs with your iphone, making it easy to find anything at any time. www.thetileapp.com $25
VINO: alcohol-removed wine. It’s a premium alcohol-removed wine available in exclusive, ready to serve packaging. We have no idea what to compare it to since we don’t drink, so we made Mary Nickles give it a try and she says it has a little more of a sour flavor but she is definitely a fan. The adorable packaging also makes it perfect for picnics becomes the lid also serves as a glass when you take it off. www.vinobev.com $29.99/pack of 12
LUMO LIFT: a device that actually improves your posture. When it senses you are in bad posture, it gently vibrates to remind you to keep your shoulders back and your head lifted. It also keeps track of your daily activity. It was named a Best Invention by Time magazine and we have to admit, it’s pretty cool. www.lumobodytech.com Two for $159.
SLEEP SHIELD: Protect your eyes from blue light while you sleep with the sleep shield. The screen protector has been used in countless clinical studies and is proven to work. The screens come in various sizes for any technology device. Our phone screens wake us up regularly, so this has worked really well for us. www.sleepshield.com Prices start at $19.95 for phone covers.
What is the one tech device you can’t live without? We would love to hear!

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