We seem to have tricked some people into thinking that we were just magically placed on their television screen and that it has been a dreamy walk on the yellow brick road. While we know we have the best jobs in the world, we want to share a little bit of the back story on how we got there.
First, we grew up in a family that allowed us to make our own decisions. From the time we were 16, we told our parents we wanted to host our own lifestyle show. I’m sure in the back of their minds they thought we were crazy, but instead of warning us of the possibility of failing miserably or telling us we might embarrass ourselves in the process, they told us it was a great idea. (they laughed right along with Brooke after the fainting incident)
Second, we had each other. From our dating days when I made Britt call boys acting like she was me to find out why they stopped calling (face palm!!) We have repeatedly put each other in uncomfortable situations and learned a lot in the process. It is a lot easier to take a giant leap of faith when you have a twin sister pulling you or at times yanking you along. We have both been that person for one another. During our first year reporting on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards I completely froze during an interview with a celeb (I’m not telling you which one), Britt didn’t miss a beat and finished asking a much more coherent question. Definitely one of the perks to working with your twin sister!
Third, we sought out incredibly supportive mentors and friends. Our high school counselor and neighbor Carol took special interest in our careers and helped us get the experience we craved. Carol had never had students come to her with our career aspirations before so she created a brand new internship for us at a news station. As naive 17 year olds we were handed a camera and microphone on our first day and told to come up with some stories. Although looking back now we can laugh at how terrible they were (i.e. shaky camera, shaky voice, etc) it provided great hands on experience we could not find anywhere else at the time. We started to live by the motto, “The worst they can say is NO”. By doing this, we took responsibility for creating our own success and got the guts to just ASK.
However, in the midst of all this positive support, there were still plenty of people who told us not to try. There are people out there who feel like it is their responsibility to give you a “dose of honesty” or to “lower your expectations”. DON’T LISTEN. There have been so many amazing experiences we never imagined were possible. We have always followed the thought process of “someone has to do it” when it comes to any career goal. Why shouldn’t that someone be you? Go for it because you believe in yourself and because you know you are capable.
So, how do you go for it? Here are three ideas.
1. Find a small group of people you can fully trust, tell them your ideas and aspirations and keep them updated on your successes and failures.
2. Work hard. Like really, really, really hard. This involves doing the beginner jobs you don’t want to do, most likely to include terrible shifts, long hours, and tasks you are not fond of. Once you commit to trying your best, good things will come. One of my favorite mentors constantly stressed that consistency is the most important quality a person can possess. Consistency in the quality of your work, in the energy you bring to your job and in your work ethic.
3. Learn from the haters. If there is anything good that comes from people being mean, it is that you have to find strength inside yourself. Over the span of our careers we have learned to be assertive, confident, and honest (and to go cry in the bathroom and buy yourself a chocolate chip cookie on the hard days).
Now, the real words of wisdom. I asked some of my greatest friends and inspirations to share their advice on following your career dreams.
Tori Dumke: mid-twenties, just finished business school and landed her dream job at Adobe in San Francisco.
I have adopted Thoreau’s aspiration: live deliberately. You make your life. It is up to you how you want to spend your time, effort, and talents. Be proactive in your approach–no one cares more about your career than you do.
“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” -Leonardo Da Vinci
Enjoying the process, not just the achievement
You make your life – live deliberately
Don’t hold yourself back
Mary Bevan: a lawyer and brand new mom
Growing up, I told myself I could do whatever I put my mind to. Some goals just require more hard work and dedication than others. I pushed myself to accomplish things outside of my comfort zone causing me to be prepared to overcome the many challenges I faced in law school and in becoming a lawyer.
Kristin Rocke: an interior designer and mother of two
I judge my success by the quality of my work and both the personal and client’s satisfaction. I subscribe to the mantra that every time I touch something I take it as far to completion or resolution at that moment in time as possible. I love my work and I love the people I get to work with. I am fortunate to work in a time when I have access to so many artisans, amazing product and inspiration at every turn.
Aubrey Nelson: a mother and hair painting genius
My career in hair started when I accidentally fell in love with the chemistry of color and the opportunity to connect with women in my chair. It was a combination of my life long dream to live in New York City and competitive drive that led me there to work and train with the best artists in the industry. I learned early, that no amount of success comes without hard work and years later with the news of a surprise baby on his way into my life came my very purest inspiration. I started my own business with nothing but love for the tiny baby in my belly and that same love is what continues to motivate me today. I am a better mother because I work in an industry I am passionate about and I am better at my job because I am inspired by my son. I believe in dreaming big and working hard, with a good heart inside you and a lot of love behind you, you will find success.
For more inspiring words check out our interviews with Martha Stewart and Blake Lively!
And if you still need more, check out these quotes from 17 inspiring entrepreneurs.

You two are wonderful! So excited to have Grace read this later today. Its the kind of encouragement we all need, but certainly a teenage girl. Love you both!
You girls are truly amazing. I’m so proud of all you’ve done and that you’ve done it on your own! Keep up the good work. Remember your roots.:)
Stumbled on this today and I’m so glad I did. Thanks, you two! Needed to read this today!
Ahh, this is so great! And I love Tori! 🙂