SNOO Update

Taft is 5 months old!! I cannot believe it. We are still using and loving the Happiest Baby SNOO Bassinet. He had a very rough stretch from 4 – 5 months because he got a cold that lasted 10 days and then RSV, which was so scary.
We have used the SNOO since the night we brought Taft home from the hospital. I had such high hopes. Hearing from several friends that their babies loved the SNOO and slept great in it convinced me to try it. I am so happy to report that it is a miracle bassinet! I cannot believe my baby has been sleeping through the night since he was weeks old. He consistently sleeps for at least an 8-hour stretch from 9 pm – 6 am.
I honestly just thought people were lying about their babies sleeping through the night. I didn’t know it was possible! I remember with my first baby thinking that I would seriously pay $50 for an extra 10 minutes of sleep in the morning because I was so exhausted. Now, there are many mornings where I wake up before the baby refreshed because I got a full night’s sleep.

3 Reasons I Love the SNOO
1. Peace of Mind
The SNOO was created by a pediatrician and is the safest bassinet on the market. That’s because the SNOO 5-second swaddle keeps the baby firmly on their back during the night. It also keeps them centered in the bassinet, so you will never find them with their face pressed against the edge. The SNOO is made of mesh, so it creates a breathable bassinet. The swaddle also has mesh sections so the baby does not overheat. Being a typical mom, I was worried Taft would get cold sleeping without a blanket on, but he never has needed one. They also don’t recommend putting blankets in the SNOO bassinet. Simply dress your baby in pajamas and zip them into the swaddle.
If you’re anything like me, you have a hard time sleeping with a newborn. Add to that swaddle blankets in a bassinet they can roll in and I was up every 20 minutes checking on my first baby. To know your baby is safe and secure the entire night is such a huge deal.
2. It rocks your baby back to sleep for you.
I was curious to see if the SNOO would actually be able to soothe my baby. Shockingly enough, it totally does! The SNOO has sensors inside of it that hear when your baby is unsettled or upset and increases both the rocking motion and the sound machine level until the baby is soothed. It usually takes less than 60 seconds. That means I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night, I can enjoy my sleep! When I put Taft in the SNOO to go to sleep he is usually groggy, but not fully asleep. With the sound machine on and the gentle rocking motion of the SNOO, it puts him right to sleep.
3. It is easy to use
I’m all for technology, but there are only so many gadgets I can handle while taking care of a baby. The Happiest Baby SNOO app is so simple and easy to use. I love that it tracks Taft’s sleep. Have you ever had one of those nights where you thought your baby was up, but then you can’t remember? The SNOO tracks it all for you. You can see how many times they wake up in the night and how long they sleep. I also love that everything is customizable. If you have a preemie, they even have special settings for that.
It’s such a gift for all parents and I am so grateful that we tried it!

The app shows you how much your baby sleeps. The dark blue is sleep, the red is crying/agitated, and the gray means the SNOO is turned off. It’s so helpful to look back and see how the night went.
Just for comparison’s sake, we used the Halo Bassinet with my first baby, and to put it simply – she was over a year old the first time she slept through the night. It has been a night and day difference using the SNOO this time around.
I am absolutely terrified to transition out of the SNOO, which we have to do at 6 months old. I will let you know how it goes.
If you want more information about the Happiest Baby SNOO Smart Bassinet, go here. To see my other SNOO updates and reviews go here.